With all the improvements that were included in the release of VirtueMart 3.6.0 in late August 2019, we had also introduced new restriction parameters for payment plugins provided by the core. However, the new core introduced a small incompatibility for older payment plugins and some VirtueMart shop owners were unable to update their payment plugins to work with the new core. But the lively VirtueMart community found a way to get the old plugins working again. There was a lot of input in the development forum and many constructive talks. Great community work!

VirtueMart 3 component (core and AIO)

Update for 3.6.6: Some 3rd party developer just include our class VmConfig, but do not execute the loadConfig function. At other places, we check if the VmConfig class already exists, and include AND executed loadConfig only when the class was not loaded already. The Router and the Systemplugin for updates check now specifically, if loadConfig was actually executed.

List of new features

  • added shared_stock for child products. They can use now the stock of the parent
  • added feature "Disable inheriting of customfields to children"
  • Added an option for the menu item which allows shoppers to register themselves directly as vendors
  • added the possibility to manage shoppers per vendor for multivendor mode "byvendor"
  • Enabled routing of different languages within one call (vmLang must be set extra on the VmTable, because the table instance has its own temporarly vmLang var)
  • added automatic thumbnailing of the image which indicates that not image is set
  • 3.6.6 joomla user activation features work for virtuemart again

Changed behaviour

  • edit order items, changing order status of one item does not automatically fire an order update any longer, use "edit ordered products" and store the order.
  • checkCaptcha ask a question to vendor uses now vm config ask_captcha
  • storing of user data stores now always the data to the cart.
  • Cart stores address after confirmOrder
  • browse view, it could happen that products did not show products, omitLoaded was not correctly set for the group "products"
  • browse view, changed order of loading of product groups to ensure that "featured products" are not already displayed among "products"
  • 3.6.6 Invoice download icon is now a button with the invoicenumber
  • 3.6.6 Backend order list, search considers order id and order total now (round by 2 digits)

List of fixes

  • changed cart so that it works correctly again with old payment/shipment plugins 
  • rating replaced old preg_replace filter against FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING
  • Important fix for creditcard.php, new php versions threw notice
  • Updated js of the cart. There were double binds. The JS now binds only radios and checkboxes
  • PayPal fixed product price for overridden price
  • calculationHelper, fixed category restriction for rules per billcalculationHelper, fixed category restriction for rules per bill
  • edit order items should consider the coupon_code now
  • correct order created, modified date
  • fix for product browse when legacy mode is enabled
  • small fix for ids of calendars
  • models product fixed saveorder for storing ordering = 0
  • vmLoaderPluginUpdate updated language, xml
  • added fallback for reuseorders=1
  • changed getTip of config view.html.php it now uses the same fallbacks for rowShopFrontSet and writePriceConfigLine
  • getCurrentUrlBy, added mode for returning query as array (not as URI, string)
  • added parameter task to function call "manage" in function isSuperVendor
  • mordel orderstatus, function getOrderStatusNames set to static and returns more data
  • model orders replaced direct sql against static getOrderStatusNames
  • vmpsplugin.php, restrictions added empty checks for !is_array
  • 3.6.6 (fix for 3.6.4 thumbnail of no image set image was rendered to root folder)

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