Hey Guys Music

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You’re the rockstar! We're the stage.We strongly believe that you are not a number, and therefore should never be treated as one. We want to get to know you on a personal level. At Hey Guys Music, we offer the best in customer service, technical support, and musical instruction. We want to see you become the rockstar that we already know you are . . . let us help you get your creative ideas out of your head and into the world!Hey Guys Music is a community of musicians in the new millennium. We love creating music with the latest and greatest technology. If there was ever a place to be a part of for musical growth, this would be the one. Please let us know what we can do to help you grow today.And remember, it's all music to us!Keep the peace,Geoffrey CoxPresident and FounderHey Guys Musichttp://www.heyguysmusic.comheyguysmusic@yahoo.com317.209.6163